Teaching by H.H. Ganden Tri Rinpoche Kyabje Rizong Rinpoche

15th December 2010










In November or December 2010 for about ten days, H.H. Ganden Tri Rinpoche Kyabje Rizong Rinpoche is going to finish the lung (oral Transmissions) of Ngulchu Nyngwang Dorjes’ teachings, a small volume and then will be giving lung (oral Transmissions) of two volumes of teachings by Wensapa Lobsang Dondrup 1505-1565 (dben sa pa blo bzang don grub).
He is the 3
rd embodiment of the Panchen Lama line and just before Panchen Lobsang Chokyi Gyaltsen the 4th Panchen Lama.